Styling a piano with vintage summer inspired decor gives it a light, bright, and airy look that is perfect for the summer months.

Styling our piano with vintage summer inspired decor is one of my favorite ways to give our home a fresh, cool look during the hottest months of the year. When the temperatures are soaring outside, it’s nice to have cool vibes inside the house.
Our Vintage Piano
This piano is old, out of tune, and broken in places, but that is just part of its charm. Over time, I have learned to love its imperfections.
I love the letters that generations of children have drawn to label the keys while they were learning to play. The original bench has gotten so much use over the years that we had to replace it with something new, but I’ve grown to love the mismatched look of an old wooden chair with the painted white piano. I have even learned to become fond of the places where the ivory has come off the keys. Oh, the stories this piano could tell!

Styling a Piano for Summer
This piano is a key feature in our home. It fills one whole wall in our library. Being Florida natives, we’ve never had a real fireplace mantel to decorate for the seasons, so I’ve always kind of treated our piano as a place to display seasonal decor. The top of the piano has a lot of surface area to display decor out of reach of little hands. This surface doesn’t typical get used, so objects placed on the piano, usually stay put until I decide to change things up again. This year for summer, I wanted keep our piano decor light and simple. I love to incorporate vintage pieces that have family ties. They call to mind happy memories and feelings just as much as music does.

My Vintage Inspiration
Every design starts out with some inspiration. This vintage painting was mine. This painting used to hang in Rich’s grandparents’ home so it is extra special to us. We’ve had it for a while, but just hadn’t found the right place to display it. I love the contrast of the cool blues and greens with the warm wood tone of the frame. As soon as I set it on the piano, this space really came to life.

Filling a Large Space
When styling the piano, I like to start with at least one large piece to anchor the space. To give this space the light and airy summer inspired look I was going for, I needed a piece to fill the majority of the space over the piano without looking too busy. This antique pie safe door was just the piece I needed for a bright look with some added texture.

Scaling Down
The blue glass bottles and my favorite houseplant coordinated perfectly with the painting. I love the simple, homey feeling that houseplants give to a space. Every piano needs lighting, and this vintage floor lamp seemed like a nice twist on the traditional piano light.

Warming Things Up a Little
This pair of vintage brass deer was the finishing touch to my summer decor.

Capturing Memories of Summer
I love being able to capture memories of the seasons with our family in front of this old piano. It makes my heart so happy to see it used by another generation of children. Another perk to having our piano styled for the summer is that when I look back on the pictures I took of our children, I will be able to remember what season it was, the feel of our home at the time, and how we spent our days.

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